The Eight Important Points of Cancer (7) – Treatment

There are two schools of thought in treating illness—the orthodox and the alternative methods. This distinction arose because of the variety of healing methods, including: acupuncture, acupressure, massage, shaman incantation, stone probe, surgery, breathing exercises, {and many others. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Internal Medicine says that herbal prescription is the only orthodox methodology— and this classic expounds the best method for treating the root of any illness. Unfortunately, Chinese medicine is seriously neglected—not only have we yet to recover from attacks by foreign governments, but we must also bear the brunt of our country’s cultural destruction by ignorant compatriots, bringing Chinese medicine to the brink of extinction. Nobody cares that we possess a cure for cancer, and if they did, few would truly accept the treatment in its entirety.

Eradicating the root of an illness combines correct diagnosis with proper herbal administration. Then there must be both a reason and a way to expel the illness. This may include: scattering, dispersing, vomiting, perspiring, purging, supplementing, or draining-each prescription has its own method of attack. With cancer I first calm the patient and revitalize the blood, relaxing any depressed, suppressed ch’i. Externally I apply a medicinal application to scatter the obstructed bumps; this is attacking the enemy from within and without—winning back occupied territory. If I try to subdue the disease or control it by force with harsh medication, or if surgical utensils are used as if I were arming the troops, I will encounter stiff resistance. Surgery is a gamble where everything depends on one roll of the dice.

The doctor who follows the orthodox methodology is like the legendary Yu the Great who instituted a system of canals and waterways to prevent floods; he accomplished his Imperial mission by channeling off the flood waters. If we imitate his father, who tried to control the waters by merely building dams, we too will suffer a shameful defeat.

Summary: Like Yu the Great who channeled the flood waters, the doctor must disperse and lead away the illness. Cancer cannot be controlled with harsh medication.

Q: What are the fundamental principles of orthodox treatment? Did the ancient prescriptions follow such methods? Are these methods effective?

A: Cancer develops gradually, so urgent treatment is ineffective, it must be channeled away and allowed to change its composition. The proper sequence employed in the orthodox methodology is to first lead the illness away from the area and then diminish its power by scattering it. If the illness has developed to where this is no longer possible, try to change it internally; take the wood away from the pot and halt its advance. This will change its purulent composition, and blunt the pain while safely dispelling the lesions.

source: Master of Five Excellences 

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