The Eight Important Points of Cancer (6) – From First Sensation to Development and the Mistake of Procrastination

The symptoms of serious abdominal lesions include plain bump which neither hurt nor itch: similar to abdominal swelling due to constipation, phlegmatic lumps, the inner lumps of lymphadentitis, various bone ulcers and their accompanying ulcers, and cancer. All these illnesses have similar symptoms which must be diagnosed quickly and correctly by a qualified physician—procrastination can lead to serious complications. The early symptoms of cancer are usually ignored, and any noticeable development may take anywhere from a few months to a year, possibly ten years—my experience has shown me that cancer has no defined parameter.

Until forty years ago few people had cancer in China—and those who did, experienced only gradual development, whether it was of the stomach, breast, or uterus. Unfortunately, many were told to allow the bumps to grow and to disperse them only after several years. When I was young, my aunt contracted cancer and waited six years before breaking the bumps, causing her great pain. The bumps contained small holes which excreted a thick, foul—smelling pus. My mother told me, “Ninety percent of cancer patients die, that is how difficult it is to cure.” My aunt then went back and forth between various doctors for over two years before the pain gradually decreased. After that she rarely needed help and did not die until twenty years later.

During the war I lived in Chungkin’g where Ts’ai Chi-t’ou and I were studying herbal medicine. When Mr. Ts’ai was young he would follow his mother gathering medicinal herbs, and the stories he told still retain their flavor. His aunt had also contracted breast cancer. A herbal medication was applied to the bumps, which then dispersed. She lived another twenty to thirty years, well into her seventies.

Today, the number of cancer patients is so high and their stage of development so advanced that it is difficult to save even one in a thousand. What is different today from the days when my mother said one in ten could be cured? Although I’ve studied Chinese herbal medicine a long time, I still cannot answer that question. Hua T’o once said, “Any illness can be cured, but you cannot cheat fate.”

Many people fall ill prior to developing cancer due to their suppressed emotions—this energy must be allowed to escape through relaxation and recreation. When cancer is discovered it is vitally important not to worry. A wise man remarked, “Not having to dispense herbs is true Chinese medicine.” Trust your body’s ability to cure itself; this is ten times better than visiting even a famous doctor. Regular diet and exercise can work miracles. Early to bed, early to rise; relax and forget your troubles by the lakes and rivers; place aside preconceived notions of life or death. If we can do this I have no doubt nine out of ten cancer patients can be cured.

In dealing with cancer I use an internist’s approach. Cancer arises from suppression so I prescribe herbs that relax the contained chi and allow the energy to scatter and disperse, stopping the illness’s advance. Failing to advance, it recedes naturally. There is an old saying, “When you view the strange as if it were normal, its peculiarities naturally break down.”” I have cured many patients regardless of their condition, and all that I require is trust. I do not approve of radiation or chemotherapy. I have seen too many treated with far too few results. Many surgeons even undertake exploratory surgery to analyze the condition! But metal instruments should never touch cancer cells. For thousands of years Chinese medicine has recorded illnesses that should not contact metal objects and that worsen once the body is cut. These include lymphadentitis, phlegmal lumps, internal ulcers and their accompanying ulcers, bone ulcers, cancer, “fish eye” boils, carbuncle boils and others—none should contact metallic instruments. These diseases are clearly documented and I mention them only for reference.

Finally, don’t procrastinate! Do shun surgery except in unavoidable conditions. I hope internal medicine can advance as quickly as surgery. I stand to watch its progress.

Summary: The best cure for any illness is found within yourself. If the illness has progressed, follow the internist’s method. Herbs can scatter the suppression.

Q: Why was cancer so rare in ancient time? Why did it progress slower than today? And how did sufferers live longer?

A: Life was simpler and without the stress people feel today. Fame and fortune were not obsessions, nor did the ancient cultures have our modern drive for progress. Dietary and sleeping habits were reg- ular, and social interaction was relaxed. With less to worry about, cancer was rare. When people did contract it, most paid it no atten- tion. It caused no fear and so developed slowly.

Today, many doctors begin exploratory surgery without realizing that cancer is an illness that should not touch metal, and the battlefront becomes ablaze. Afterward radiation and chemotherapy are employed to control its development. After surgery the cancer cells mobilize within the body, and if completely eliminated the patient lives but a few years longer. If there is any metastasis, the patient’s condition worsens immediately and there is nothing left to do.

source: Master of Five Excellences 

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